Euphorbia duvalii (Euphorbiaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula




Alt Empordà, Alta Garrotxa, conservation, singular flora, protected species, Serra de Bac Grillera


Euphorbia duvalii Lecoq & Lamotte is an endemic species from the Catalan-Occitan territory -western Mediterranean area- and is usually found in the south of France. Euphorbia duvalii has been cited from some localities of the Iberian Peninsula, but in later reviews all of these citations were finally identified as other species of Euphorbia L. One of these citations, from the Alt Empordà -Girona, Spain-, was of specific interest because not all the sources agreed on what the species was. To clarify whether or not this species is really present in the Iberian Peninsula, we examined new material from this population in order to establish whether the species is in fact E. duvalii. Once the morphology of the specimens from the Serra de Bac Grillera population had been analysed, we were able to confirm that they were indeed E. duvalii. This means that this is the only area on the Iberian Peninsula where this endemic species has been identified. The population is located in a rocky meadow that contains some scrub and is surrounded by pinewoods. Because this is the one and only Iberian population, a management and conservation plan needs to be drawn up to ensure its preservation.


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How to Cite

Bou, J., & Bou i Tomàs, J. (2018). Euphorbia duvalii (Euphorbiaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Anales Del Jardín Botánico De Madrid, 75(2), e073.


