Phycological biodiversity at the Natural Park Serra da Enciña da Lastra (Ourense, Spain)


  • M. del Carmen López Rodríguez Departamento de Botánica. Facultad de Biologia. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Manel Leira Campos Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Lisboa
  • Rafael Carballeira Coego Departamento de Botánica. Facultad de Biologia. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela



Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyta, Cyanophyta, Euglenophyta, freshwater algae, Lemanea condensata, Ourense, Rhodophyta, Serra Enciña da Lastra, Spain, Xanthophyceae


We have studied the phycological diversity at the Natural Park of Serra da Enciña da Lastra (Ourense, Spain) and present here the algae checklist of the Galir river, the only permanent fluvial course in the area. This geographical zone is a SCI (Site of Community Importance) and is located within an European Nature Reserve belonging to the “Nature 2000” network. Despite its environmental importance there is no previous phycological survey to this study. We collected samples in three points along the river, and measured physical and chemical water parameters (pH, conductivity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen). The checklist includes 88 taxa: 6 Cyanophyta, 4 Rhodophyta, 60 Heterokontophyta (58 Bacillariophyceae, 2 Xantophyceae), 1 Dinophyta, 2 Euglenophyta, and 15 Chlorophyta. Within the Rhodophyta we highlight the presence of Lemanea condensata, as a new record to the Iberian Peninsula. In addition, we have identified 8 new records for Galicia and 14 for Ourense.


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How to Cite

López Rodríguez, M. del C., Leira Campos, M., & Carballeira Coego, R. (2016). Phycological biodiversity at the Natural Park Serra da Enciña da Lastra (Ourense, Spain). Anales Del Jardín Botánico De Madrid, 73(1), e036.


