Diatom species composition and indices for determining the ecological status of coastal Mediterranean Spanish lakes


  • Beatriz Antón-Garrido Departamento de Ecología, Edificio de Investigación, Universitat de València
  • Susana Romo Departamento de Ecología, Edificio de Investigación, Universitat de València
  • María José Villena Laboratorios Tecnológicos de Levante, S.L.




Bacillariophyceae, bioindicadores, epifiton, lagunas interdunares, calidad del agua, DMA


Diatom indices have been used and tested mainly for assessing the ecological status of rivers and deep lakes, but there are scarce studies that determine their effectiveness in shallow lakes and in coastal Mediterranean lakes. This study evaluates the validity of several common diatom indices (SPI, BDI, CEC and TDIL) for the determination of the ecological quality of three coastal lakes (Valencia, Spain) and presents descriptions and ecological data of the main diatom species recorded. Diatom samples were collected from phytobenthos, both from epiphyton of the dominant submerged macrophytes and the sediment. The ecological status of the systems was determined according to different physico-chemical variables and was compared with the results obtained from epiphytic diatom communities. The results showed discrepancies among diatom indices and also with the state determined by the environmental variables. The effectiveness of the indices depended on the number of species assessed for each index with respect to the total species recorded and the suitability of the weight assigned to each species. The results reveal the need to gather more information about the composition and ecology of the diatoms and microalgae characteristic of coastal Mediterranean standing waters. This work contributes to their better knowledge.


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How to Cite

Antón-Garrido, B., Romo, S., & Villena, M. J. (2013). Diatom species composition and indices for determining the ecological status of coastal Mediterranean Spanish lakes. Anales Del Jardín Botánico De Madrid, 70(2), 122–135. https://doi.org/10.3989/ajbm.2373




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