Catálogo comentado de las especies de Blechnum L. (Blechnaceae, Pteridophyta) de Mesoamérica y Sudamérica
Blechnaceae, checklist, geographical distributions, habitat, hybrids, Pteridophyta, species, taxonomyAbstract
A critical checklist of the Mesoamerican and South American species and hybrids of Blechnum is presented. For each entry the place of original publication, types, authors, and pertinent synonyms are included. Most of the synonyms are cited with their nomenclatural types. Information on geographical distribution and altitudinal range, ecology, as well as morphological and nomenclatural comments pertinent to the treated taxa are also included. Hybrids that have been cytologically and nomeclaturally studied are treated independently, while not formally described hybrids are cited under their putative parents.
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