Vegetation of the gnamma of the Sierra de Guadarrama and La Serena (Spain)
weathering pits, gnammas, rock pools, vernal pools, ephemeral wetlands, variation of plants communities, depth of water, depth of soilAbstract
Weathering pits are wetlands of geomorphologic and biological interest, but this common fact is obscured by the different names used by biologists, such as the ambiguous name of rock pool. Aquatic or amphibious plant communities are known around the world, principally from SE North-America and Tropical Africa, but few are known from Spain. Here, I study the vegetation of weathering pits from two different localities: La Serena (Southweast Spain) and Sierra de Guadarrama (central Spain). Plant communities change with depth of water and depth of sediment in the weathering pits. Some of them are characterized by Crassula vaillantii or Isoetes velatum.
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