Diversity of Xanthoparmelia (Parmeliaceae) species in Mexican xerophytic scrub vegetation, evidenced by molecular, morphological and chemistry data





Cryptic species, biodiversity, secondary metabolites, lichens, Mexico


The genus Xanthoparmelia is the largest genus of lichen- forming fungi with about 800 species worldwide. Xanthoparmelia is also common in the deserts of central Mexico, but only a few molecular studies exist on its species’ diversity in this region. In this study, we sampled 38 Xanthoparmelia species from around the world including species from the xerophytic scrubs of central Mexico to assess the diversity using an integrative approach. Molecular phylogenetic analyses were performed using a combination of the ITS, mtSSU and nuLSU genetic markers. We evaluated our phylogenetic results in a context of traditional morphological and chemical characters. The combined evidence of molecular, morphological, and chemical data identified a total of 18 Xanthoparmelia species-level lineages occurring in central Mexico. However, numerous traditionally circumscribed species did not form monophyletic groups in the molecular phylogenetic reconstructions. This conflict indicates that taxonomy and species delimitation in the genus Xanthoparmelia requires revision and emphasizes the importance of molecular evidence for more robust species delimitations in this genus.


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How to Cite

Barcenas-Peña, A. ., Leavitt, S. D. ., Grewe, F. ., & Lumbsch, H. T. . (2021). Diversity of Xanthoparmelia (Parmeliaceae) species in Mexican xerophytic scrub vegetation, evidenced by molecular, morphological and chemistry data. Anales Del Jardín Botánico De Madrid, 78(1), e107. https://doi.org/10.3989/ajbm.2564


