Arthropod gut symbionts from the Balearic Islands: Majorca and Cabrera. Diversity and biogeography


  • Laia Guàrdia Valle Unitat de Botànica, Dept. Biol. Animal, Biol. Vegetal i Ecologia, Facultat de Ciències, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
  • Sergi Santamaria Unitat de Botànica, Dept. Biol. Animal, Biol. Vegetal i Ecologia, Facultat de Ciències, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)



biogeography, symbiosis, gut fungi, insularity, Kickxellomycotina, Mesomycetozoa, taxonomy, Zygomycota


This study includes a catalogue with all the current data concerning the presence of trichomycetes (sensu lato) in Majorca and Cabrera, as well as information on the biology, ecology and biogeographic implications of the insularity for each taxon of these arthropod-gut symbionts. Of the 13 species here reported, 10 are new for the Balearic Islands, including 4 Mesomycetozoan, of which 3 Eccrinales (Astreptonema gammari, Eccrinidus flexilis, Parataeniella dilatata), 1 Amoebidiales (Paramoebidium curvum) and 6 kixckellomycotina Harpellales (Genistellospora homothallica, Harpella melusinae, Smittium culisetae, S. simulii, Stachylina grandispora and St. nana); the additional 3 were previously reported elsewhere: Asellaria ligiae (Aslleariales), Legeriomyces rarus and Stipella vigilans (Harpellales), but are here included as indissoluble part of the present Balearic catalogue. All taxa are commented, illustrated and their biogeographic implications are discussed.


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How to Cite

Guàrdia Valle, L., & Santamaria, S. (2009). Arthropod gut symbionts from the Balearic Islands: Majorca and Cabrera. Diversity and biogeography. Anales Del Jardín Botánico De Madrid, 66(S1), 109–120.


